

Timeless luxury
carried forward for generations

Jaspier is a curated marketplace

Founded in 2019

It was born with a vision of rediscovering the lost Indian art and re-defining the individuality of craftspeople and their craft. The brand aims to open doors of opportunity and exposure for master artists and craftspeople on a global stage.

handcrafted decor solutions

59 master artisans from India

By partnering with small businesses and family enterprises of these artisans, we create one-of-a-kind home goods that are an amalgamation of modern style and age-old techniques.

, a global platform

Brand connects the artisanal craft to its end customer directly

The brand connects the artisanal craft to its end customer directly, which means no middlemen, leading to fair wages to the artisans, a global platform to their art and reasonable priced high-quality luxury goods to our customer.


Welcome to our exclusive handcrafted collection!

We appreciate your patience as each order is custom-crafted, which may take 3 to 4 weeks for delivery. Curious about our craftsmanship? Our artisans infuse passion into each creation. You can customize these products to match your vision.Fill out the form below for a personalized quote, and we'll get back to you promptly.Your One-of-a-Kind handcrafted treasure awaits!

© jaspier, llc. All rights reserved.